Friday, January 26, 2018

Winter Survival

      Winter Survival

     On Friday, January 26th, the fifth graders  tested their winter survival skills.  Pam Holz, the Washington county conservationist, led the field trip.  The students were divided into small teams and tasked with creating a shelter, starting and maintaining a  fire, and boiling water.  The students were graded based on their positive mental attitudes and the effectiveness of their fire and shelter.  Pam then informed the students about whether they survived or not.  This year we were quite successful.  Almost all groups successfully started fires and created sufficient shelters.  Pam fictionally "diagnosed" a few students with smoke inhalation due to their proximity to the fire and told a few others they had gotten frost bite.  Thank you to Nick Duvall, Adam Heitman, Jenny Gillam, Renee Sellers, Stephen Bender, Jenni Hershberger, Andrew Wiles, and Brandon Statler for helping supervise the students during this field trip.